Parasite Prevention

At Marketplace Veterinary Clinic, we offer expert veterinary services throughout the area. Whether you live in Alexander, Bauxite, Benton, Bryant, or West Little Rock, you can rely on us to handle your pet-related concerns. Parasite prevention is among the services we offer here at the animal clinic. Investing in a good parasite prevention is a must if you want your furry friend to stay healthy and happy long-term. Allow us to expand on our parasite prevention services so you can understand the comprehensive protection we offer to pets.

Parasite Prevention

Flea Prevention

The services we provide at the animal clinic include flea prevention. Because many pet owners think flea bites can only cause itchiness, the threat those pests pose is often minimized. Unfortunately, fleas are more troublesome than they initially seem. Your pet may require emergency veterinary care if they are allergic to flea saliva. Fleas that feast on your pet’s body can also contribute to their anemia. Avoid those unfortunate outcomes by scheduling flea prevention treatment.

Heartworm Prevention

No pet care routine would be complete without heartworm prevention. Heartworm disease can have dire consequences for your pet. Following the initial infection, your animal companion may suffer from heart, lung, and other serious organ issues.

Always stay on top of your pet’s heartworm protection by regularly consulting the vet and securing the necessary medication. Testing for heartworms should be performed annually.  Pets should also undergo testing for heartworm if they have switched or skipped medication. If you have recently moved, you should also take your pet to the nearby veterinary clinic.

Tick Prevention

Finally, you should also develop a tick prevention routine for your pets. Similar to fleas, ticks are capable of consuming enough blood to trigger a case of anemia. Beyond that, the ticks in your pet’s coat may also be carrying Ehrlichia, Lyme disease,  or Rocky Mountain spotted fever.  Ehrlichia, Lyme disease and Rocky Mountain spotted fever can be fatal for pets if they aren’t treated quickly.  Schedule an appointment with a veterinarian near you to arrange your pet’s treatment. Various forms of medication can offer protection against ticks, so get the best options for your pets.

Handle Parasite Prevention With the Help of a Veterinarian

Partner with us at Marketplace Veterinary Clinic if you’re seeking complete pest protection in the AR area. Our services are available to all residents of Alexander, Bauxite, Benton, Bryant, and West Little Rock, AR. Call us today or visit our clinic in Bryant to arrange your pet’s appointments.

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